- Imagine having to lie in the sun all day just to feel awake. Or having to find a shady spot to keep your body temperature just right. That's how life works for cold-blooded creatures, like the ones you'll learn about in this issue.
- They are fierce. They are huge. They have teeth similar to the T-Rex. They are Komodo dragons, the largest lizards in the world! Find out more about them in Cold-Blooded, Ferocious Predator.
- Galapagos tortoises live quiet lives on far-away islands. But one thing makes them special - their size! Meet The World's Largest Tortoise.
- A turtle is a turtle, right? Unless it's a tortoise or a terrapin, that is. The Three Turtle T's look very much alike. Here's how to tell them apart.
- Laugh out loud at the funny poem The Scrutinizing Octopus! You'll love the art too!
- Snakes come in a dizzying array of colors. Bet you've never seen a photo of a pink one before!
- Why do salamanders, frogs, and newts cross the road in spring? To get to the ponds where they were born! Here's a family who helps these amphibians get to where they are going.
- There are tiny, golden-yellow frogs that live in Colombian rainforests. You just want to pick them up and admire them. Better not, though. The Poison Dart Frog is poisonous!
- Be wowed by the art and facts you'll discover in 10 Cold, Hard Facts about Cold-Blooded Creatures!
- What happens when frogs hibernate in the winter? They become A Real Live Frogsicle. It's true!
- ALL THIS PLUS: Mysteries of the Polka-Dotted Frog, Cowboy Clark & Larry, Turtles Wearing Girdles, Saving the Loggerhead Sea Turtle, Kidz Corner, puzzles, and MORE!
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