Submission Guidelines
A Word at the Outset
Every Fun For Kidz contributor must remember we publish only six issues a year, which means our editorial needs are extremely limited.
It is obvious that we must reject far more contributions than we accept, no matter how outstanding they may seem to you or to us.
With that said, we would point out that Fun For Kidz is a magazine created for boys and girls from 6 to 12 years, with youngsters 8, 9, and 10 the specific target age.
Our point of view is that every child deserves the right to be a child for a number of years before he or she becomes a young adult.
As a result, Fun For Kidz publishes articles and activities that deal with timeless topics, such as pets, nature, hobbies, science, games, sports, careers, and anything else likely to interest a child. Each issue revolves around a theme.
We are looking for lively writing that involves an activity that is both wholesome and exceptional. The ideal length of a FUN FOR KIDZ nonfiction piece is up to 300-325 words for a one-page magazine article or up to 600-650 words for a two-page magazine article. Articles that are accompanied by strong high-resolution photos are far more likely to be accepted than those requiring illustration.
We will entertain simultaneous submissions as long as that fact is noted on the manuscript. Submissions should be double-spaced.
We pay a minimum of five cents a word for both fiction and nonfiction, with additional payment given if the piece is accompanied by appropriate photos or art. We pay a minimum of $10 per poem or puzzle. A complimentary copy will be sent to each writer who has contributed to a given issue.

Sample copies may be purchased online.
Nonfiction submissions should be accompanied by sharp, high-resolution photos (at least 950 pixels wide, at least 260 dpi) that support the article. It is better to submit several photos rather than just one or two. Photos should be in color. Payment is $5 per photo.
There's One More Thing
Fun For Kidz issues each revolve around a theme. We often choose new themes as the result of a submission on a topic we haven't covered. We work far into the future. If you don't receive a quick response on your submission, that means we are holding it and giving it serious consideration. We strive to treat all of our contributors and their work with respect and fairness.
We are no longer accepting submissions by e-mail. Please mail submissions to:
Fun For Kidz Magazine
ATTN: Submissions
PO Box 227
Bluffton, OH 45817-0227
All submissions need the following to be considered for publication:
- Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE) for acceptance/rejection letter
- Contact info., including e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address, on each page of the manuscript