- INTRODUCING A NEW COLUMN - COWBOY CLARK & LARRY! You'll be able to see what these 2 dogs are up to in every issue!
- Meet Orion, the hunter in the night sky. Orion is a constellation that's easy to find. We'll show you how. He's been a favorite star pattern for a long, long time. One of his stars is called "Beetlejuice"!
- Make your own constellation maker with these step-by-step instructions. You'll be able to look at the stars from bed!
- How much do you know about the moon? Read Moonstruck, and you'll become a moon master in no time!
- Saturn's rings are made of rocks and ice. 10 Out-of-This-World Facts About Astronomy will get your head spinning. And the drawings are FUN!
- Shooting stars are not stars at all! They are actually pieces of rock or iron. Go on a secret late-night adventure with a family as they wait for the Perseid meteor shower to streak through the sky!
- Only 4 of Jupiter's 79 moons are visible from Earth. You can see these special moons with binoculars when Jupiter is at its biggest and brightest. We'll tell you when!
- ALL THIS PLUS poems about space, weather on the sun, super puzzles, What Are You Thinking, Benjamin?, Kids Corner, and so much more!
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